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Demand Letter

A demand letter is a document sent by one party to another in order to resolve a dispute. A demand letter states a legal claim that makes a demand for payment, reimbursement, restitution, or performance of an obligation due to the recipient’s breach of contract or civil wrong. The most common reasons for sending a demand letter include:

  1. Someone owes you money;
  2. Someone owes you an obligation in some way; or
  3. Cease and Desist.

Three possible outcomes after a demand letter is received include:

  1. Demand is met;
  2. A counter-offer is made; or
  3. Demand is refused or ignored, at which point arbitration or litigation may ensue.

If you need a demand letter written and signed by an attorney, contact Nathan Law, PLLC for an initial consultation, and let us write that letter for you.We offer an inexpensive and affordable fixed flat fee to write and mail a demand letter on your behalf.